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Monitoring land governance


Many countries in the Arab region suffer from inadequate land registries, outdated cadastral maps, and limited information on land ownership and land use patterns. The lack of comprehensive and reliable data, the fragmented and complex legal frameworks governing land, as well as the widespread corruption and lack of transparency in land transactions make it difficult to assess the state of land governance, identify challenges, and design appropriate policies and interventions for improving land governance. Women's land rights require targeted monitoring efforts focusing on assessing the legal and institutional barriers that prevent women from owning and inheriting land and collecting sex-disaggregated data to identify gender discriminatory patterns.

The implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides a valuable framework for monitoring land governance and promoting sustainable land management practices. By aligning monitoring efforts with specific SDGs such as SDG 1 for poverty reduction, SDG 5 for achieving gender equality, and SDG 11 for making cities inclusive and resilient, stakeholders can assess progress, address challenges, and work towards achieving sustainable land governance in the Arab region and globally.

The approach

Strengthening institutions and building the capacity of land administration agencies is crucial for effective monitoring of land governance. Many countries in the Arab region suffer from weak institutional frameworks, limited resources, and a lack of trained personnel in land administration. The Arab Land Initiative aims at supporting capacity-building initiatives, providing technical assistance, and promoting knowledge exchange among countries to enhance their ability to monitor and manage land effectively.

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