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Featuring Syria Report

Syria Report is a news and research organisation focusing on Syrian economic affairs since October 2001. Through its team of reporters and analysts and its network of local correspondents, Syria Reports covers matters related to economy, energy, transport, agriculture, and finance.  In addition to its news and research input, Syria Report official documents and databases and has a searchable archive of the Syrian Official Gazette, issued by the government in Damascus since 1919.

Since 2020, it has a section dedicated to housing, land, and property (HLP) rights that provides information on all Syria’s regions. The portal aims at providing accurate, timely, and accessible HLP analysis and data to contribute to the professional debate on the topic. The HLP information is gathered through a wide network of local correspondents. Bi-annual webinars are organised to discuss HLP-related issues with academics and practitioners. 

This HLP Portal is freely accessible and includes over 600 articles on HLP rights in Syria; a wide range of papers and reports written on the subject by a variety of research organisations; Syrian laws and regulations related to HLP rights; and a directory of Syrian institutions and international institutions working on Syria. Content is available in both English and Arabic. 


The content available on the Syria Report website and its social media does not reflect the opinion or the position of The Arab Land Initiatives, the Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat and its member states or governing bodies.