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Access to, ownership and control over land is key for sustainable livelihoods, peace and protection of the planet. Agenda 2030 through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) affirms the importance of tenure security in fighting poverty and food insecurity, promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls, reducing land degradation and achieving peace and stability.

The Arab region needs consolidated efforts and information on land governance, which would include information coming from different expert stakeholders, whether local authorities, private sector, civil society organizations, non-profit sector, etc., therefore, contributing to a comprehensive picture of the status quo of land governance both on local and regional levels, and defining its trends and issues as well as forecasts and strategies for the development. Such information is necessary for evidence-based policymaking in the field of land governance, while the availability of such data is also an important precondition for better transparency and accountability in the land sector.

Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency (Transparency International – Jordan) launches Expert Group Meeting on Monitoring Land Governance and Tenure Security in the Arab region next week. The event is part of the Arab Land Initiative’s stream of work and is delivered in partnership with the UN-Habitat/GLTN and International Land Coalition. This event will be held over two days - July 14 and 15, 2021, aiming to gather national land departments and statistical offices as well as key stakeholders and attendees of the previous training events, namely CSOs, NGOs, INGOs, development agencies, academia, professional individuals, consultants, and researchers working on good land governance and tenure security within Arab states.

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Download:Concept Note Monitoring Land Governance and Land Tenure Security in the Arab Region

PRESENTATION: Monitoring Land Governance and Land Tenure Security in the Arab

Report on Expert Group Meeting on “Monitoring Land Governance and Land Tenure Security in the Arab Region”