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It is widely understood that effective use of land, the sustainable production of food and development are linked. Yet, creating effective policy, which takes into account broader notions such as economic prosperity and social justice, especially in the context of competing claims to land use and title, still presents significant challenges. The difficulties are compounded by the fragmented nature of information resources about land.

There are many sources of information about land, but their visibility, accessibility, consistency and completeness vary enormously. Finding solid evidence upon which to base policy and practice is a daunting task, and consequently, progress on land governance is threatened by lack of good information. It is paramount that awareness is raised among key policy makers on the importance of building an effective land information ecosystem. It is a crucial moment for the land sector in the Arab region to work together effectively to share knowledge about land rights issues.

The webinar “Sharing and Exchange: The Land Information Ecosystem in the Arab region” will explore  the most effective way forward to nurture an information ecosystem on land in the Arab region, while stimulating knowledge sharing, collaboration and exchange. This webinar will address how land stakeholders in the Arab region, including practitioners, governments, development organizations, civil society and researchers, can work in partnership to increase access to information and build a land information ecosystem that is beneficial for all, especially the most vulnerable groups, including women. The webinar will ensure that the link between a strong information ecosystem and improved tenure security for vulnerable people in the Arab region is effectively made.


By the end of the webinar both panelists and participants, will together:

  • identify information gaps in the region, including for land administration data, but also information for capacity development and about organisations and specialists working on land issues. Gaps may refer to existence, accessibility or abilities to re-use information;
  • identify how participants can work to increase access to information and use it in order to address identified land rights issues, with a focus on the region;
  • identify how participants can gather and communicate knowledge to reach a wider impact and be part of and promote the information ecosystem in the region;


Sharing and Exchange: The Land Information Ecosystem in the Arab region - A Webinar Report
